What Traveling Taught Me About Parenthood

Although we have not been to all these places, we have been fortunate enough to travel outside the United States. Traveling before having children is a wonderful opportunity to explore the world, broaden your horizons, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Not only will this enrich your life, but it will also make you a better parent. By traveling, you gain a new perspective on the world, learn more about different cultures and lifestyles, and gain valuable skills and experiences that will serve you well as a parent.

Here are some great places to consider traveling to prior to having children and why this could make you a better parent:

  1. Europe: Europe offers a wealth of cultural, historical, and architectural riches that are sure to inspire and educate you. Traveling through Europe gives you a chance to immerse yourself in different cultures and gain a greater appreciation for history and art. This experience will help you to instill a love of culture and history in your children, and encourage them to appreciate the world around them.
  2. Asia: Asia is a vast and diverse continent that offers a wealth of cultural, spiritual, and natural beauty. From the bustling cities of Japan to the tranquil temples of Thailand, there is something for everyone in Asia. By traveling to this region, you can learn more about different cultures, religions, and ways of life, and gain a deeper understanding of the world. This will help you to raise children who are more open-minded and empathetic, and who understand the importance of respecting different cultures and beliefs.
  3. South America: South America is a vibrant and diverse continent that offers a wealth of natural beauty and adventure. From the Amazon rainforest to the Andes mountains, South America is the perfect place to get in touch with nature and experience a range of outdoor activities. By traveling to South America, you can gain a greater appreciation for the natural world, and inspire your children to develop a love of nature and the outdoors.
  4. Africa: Africa is a continent that is rich in culture, wildlife, and adventure. From the savannas of Kenya to the deserts of Morocco, Africa is the perfect place to experience a range of diverse environments and cultures. By traveling to Africa, you can gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and ways of life, and develop a greater appreciation for the natural world. This will help you to raise children who are more empathetic and understanding, and who appreciate the beauty and diversity of the world around them.
  5. Australia and New Zealand: Australia and New Zealand offer a unique and diverse travel experience that is sure to inspire and educate you. From the rugged wilderness of the Outback to the stunning beaches of the Pacific, these two countries offer a range of natural beauty and outdoor adventure. By traveling to Australia and New Zealand, you can gain a greater appreciation for the natural world, and inspire your children to develop a love of the outdoors and adventure.

In conclusion, traveling before having children is an excellent opportunity to broaden your horizons, gain new experiences, and develop valuable skills that will serve you well as a parent. By immersing yourself in different cultures and environments, you gain a greater understanding of the world. So if you are currently childless now is a great time to travel and learn! The experiences will only serve to make you a more phenomenal parent when that bundle of joy decides to show up…

Grandparent Wisdom: A Letter to Our Grandbaby

Dear Grandchild,

Hopefully I will soon have the privilege of meeting you in person, I wanted to take a moment to write to you and share my love and hope for the life that lies ahead of you.

I can tell you from experience that life can be both beautiful and challenging, but it is ultimately a journey filled with opportunities for growth, discovery, and joy. You will have the chance to meet people from all walks of life, explore new places, and experience all the wonders that the world has to offer.

I encourage you to always look for the beauty in life, even in the most difficult of circumstances. There will be times when you feel lost or unsure of yourself, but these moments are what make us stronger and more resilient. Life is not always easy, but it is always an adventure.

I also encourage you to never stop pursuing your passions and dreams. Whether it’s painting, writing, music, or anything else that you are passionate about, make it a priority in your life. The pursuit of what we love is what brings meaning and purpose to our lives.

Most importantly, always treat others with kindness and respect. You will encounter people from all walks of life, and your actions and words can have a profound impact on them. Make it your goal to spread positivity and love wherever you go, and you will find that life becomes even more beautiful.

I hope that this letter finds you well and that you are surrounded by love and joy. Remember, life is a gift, and it is up to us to make the most of it. So embrace every moment, cherish every memory, and always strive to be the best version of yourself.

With love and admiration,

Your Grandparent