Poop and Pee, Cloth or Disposable: A Diaper Dilemma

When it comes to choosing the best diaper for the babes, there are two main options: cloth diapers and “regular” (disposable) diapers. While both types of diapers serve the same basic purpose, there are obviously differences that an expecting parent should take into consideration.

Cloth Diapers: One of the biggest benefits of cloth diapers is their cost-effectiveness. While the upfront cost of purchasing cloth diapers may be higher than that of disposable diapers, over time, cloth diapers can save parents a significant amount of money. Cloth diapers can be washed and reused multiple times, reducing the need for parents to continually purchase new diapers.

Another benefit of cloth diapers is their environmental friendliness. Disposable diapers are not biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to decompose in a landfill. On the other hand, cloth diapers are made of natural materials like cotton or bamboo and can be reused many times, making them a more sustainable option. So if you are a true-hugger type cloth may be the way to go…

Cloth diapers are generally considered to be gentler on a baby’s skin. They are made of soft, natural materials that may be less likely to cause diaper rash or skin irritation. In addition, cloth diapers are available in a variety of sizes and styles, making it easier to find the right fit for your baby.

But wait… Cloth diapers aren’t perfect! One of the biggest challenges is the extra laundry that comes with using cloth diapers. They need to be washed and dried regularly, which can be time-consuming and requires extra resources like water and energy. In addition, cloth diapers may not be as absorbent as disposable diapers, and may require more frequent changes. As a family that has never used cloth diapers, we can say that the thought of having to clean poop off of the cloth diaper prior to washing it did not sound like fun to us (hence the Gabel Gaggle’s choice to use disposable for our kids)!

Disposable Diapers: We would argue that the biggest benefit of disposable diapers is their convenience. They are widely available at stores and can be easily disposed of after use. Disposable diapers are also more absorbent than cloth diapers, meaning you can likely go a bit longer before changes.

Many disposable diapers are made of materials that are designed to wick away moisture from the baby’s skin, potentially reducing the risk of diaper rash and skin irritation. In addition, disposable diapers are available in a variety of styles and sizes, making it easy to find the right fit for your baby.

Hold onto your horses! Like cloth diapers, disposable diapers also have issues! Unlike their cloth counterpart, they are not environmentally friendly. Additionally, disposable diapers can be more expensive over time, as they need to be continually purchased and replaced. And let me tell you… As a family with five little ones the amount of money we have spent on disposable diapers would make even Warren Buffet gasp (we joke, of course, but, actually not really)! Finally, disposable diapers may contain chemicals like dyes and fragrances that can be harmful to some babies, especially those with sensitive skin.

Both cloth diapers and disposable diapers have their benefits and drawbacks. Parents should consider factors like cost, environmental impact, skin sensitivity, and convenience when deciding which type of diaper to use. Ultimately, the choice will depend on what works best for your family’s needs and lifestyle. The Gabel Gaggle recommends disposable for primarily their ease of use, but then again we have never tried cloth diapers so take our advice with a grain of salt!